Send live selling notifications to your clients


It is not a big secret to get satisfactory sales results in a shop through live selling it is necessary to properly inform clients when the broadcast will start.  At Selmo, we have decided to meet your expectations and from now you can send notifications about the beginning of live selling directly to all interested clients.


Send notifications to your clients when your live-selling start

In the past, most of you must have encountered a situation where users wrote to you after the end of a live stream that they hadn’t participated in it because they had no idea that it had started. From now on, you don't have to worry about it anymore. In Selmo, we have introduced an option of sending notifications to clients about the start of specific live-stream sales.

How does it work? It’s quite easy!

  1. First, you need to ask your clients to write the “selmo save” in a private message to you.
  2. Having written such a message, the client will need to click on the “Get messages daily” button, allowing them to subscribe to a group of people who receive notifications of each started live stream.
  3. Next, when you want to start a given live stream, all you have to do is launch the Selmo application, go to the "Customers" tab and select the "Saved" tab. Then, you will see the “Send live-stream notifications” magic button; after clicking it, you will automatically be able to invite all subscribed clients to take part in the live stream!

Contact with clients has never been so direct

This solution will allow you to contact your clients in an extremely simple and effective way, thanks to which they won’t miss any live streams. As soon as you start your live stream and send them a notification, each person will receive information on Messenger that your live stream has begun. What's more - the users won’t even have to enter your profile deliberately to join it. All they have to do is click the "Go to the live stream" button, and they can start shopping right away!

Come right out and try our new feature right away. You can test Selmo for free for the seven days!

Try it for free

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