Selling on Facebook without running a business. Legal e-commerce


In the era of the digital revolution, Facebook has become a dynamic market to join. Selling on Facebook without running a business is gaining momentum. Learn how to get started so you don't break the law and reap the benefits of e-commerce!


Is selling online without starting a business a good idea?

Selling on Facebook without running a business can be a great way to make money if you know how to do it legally. What are the advantages of selling online without a registered business;

- no paperwork - you don't have to go through the process of registering a company, paying taxes or Social Security contributions;

- flexibility - you can start and stop selling at any time, without notifying the tax office or other institutions;

- ability to test the market and your product without a large investment.


How much can you sell without running a business?

Many people ask themselves this question when looking for alternative sources of income. There are certain income limits that allow you to sell without official business status. As of July 2023, the amount is 75% of the monthly minimum wage, or PLN 2,700 per month.

How to sell on Facebook according to the rules?

Can you sell on Facebook without running a business? Yes, but you have to follow certain rules. Facebook has its own guidelines for sellers, so it's worth knowing them before you start. The first step is to create a dedicated Facebook page or group to showcase your products. Create professional photos, descriptions and price lists. Be active, respond to comments and nurture relationships with your customers. This will help you build trust among your audience. What else is important?


Check Facebook's rules

Read Facebook's rules carefully. The platform has detailed guidelines on what can and cannot be sold. Selling alcohol, weapons and drugs is against the law.
Provide secure payment methods

Use trusted payment platforms or offer payment on delivery to ensure a safe transaction for customers.

Set up a returns and complaints policy

It's good to have a clearly defined returns and complaints policy. This way, customers will know what to expect if something goes wrong.

Remember to always update

The e-commerce world is changing rapidly. Regularly update your offerings, product images and website information so that they are in line with reality and meet customer expectations.

Use advanced tools

Selmo's Facebook Live Streaming Program is one of the tools that will increase the effectiveness of product sales on this platform. This method allows you to expose products and interact with customers in real time.

Logistical issues

Before you start selling, think about logistics. How do you ship products? Do you offer local pickup? What payment methods do you accept? This information is important for potential customers.


What can you sell on Facebook without running a business?

Selling on Facebook without running a business is allowed in certain situations. Here are some general rules and a list of what you can sell:

Personal items - you can sell things you bought for yourself, but which you no longer need. Examples include clothes that don't fit you, unused equipment or games;

- handicrafts and crafts - if you make jewelry, handmade ornaments or other things as a hobby, you can sell them (but if it's not your main source of income);

- collectibles - you can sell items you once owned/collected, such as. coins, stamps, collector cards, etc;

- obsolete items - if you find an old painting or other item in your attic that you no longer need, you can also sell it.

Keep in mind that sales must be occasional. If you start selling regularly on Facebook and this is your main source of income, you probably need to set up a business.


Selling on Facebook without a business, conducted skillfully and carefully, opens the door to the wonderful world of e-commerce. For many people it is a great way to share their passion, sell unwanted items or assess the market potential of their products. Anyone can effectively and legally use this platform. Just be aware of the guidelines, regulations and best practices. Enter the world of e-commerce with the right preparation and a positive attitude!