Sales trends 2023 - a new era of e-commerce


Sales Trends 2023 is changing the e-commerce picture at an express pace. Are you prepared for what the future holds? Here's key information and practical tips to help you turn the changes to your advantage.


Sales Trends 2023 - what does the future of e-commerce bring?

It's important to know that e-commerce is constantly evolving. Trends in online sales 2023 are heavily focused on personalizing the offer to the customer. In the digital age, customers expect brands to customize to their needs, instead of offering a one-size-fits-all solution. What else is driving efficiency in e-commerce?

Personalizing the shopping experience like never before
Thanks to advanced analytics and artificial intelligence, online stores are able to customize offers for each individual customer. Shoppers expect products and promotions to be tailored exactly to their preferences when shopping online.
Sustainable e-commerce

Ecology is no longer just a fashionable word, it has become a necessity. In 2023, many companies will emphasize their commitment to sustainability with practical actions. There will be eco-friendly products, reusable packaging or eco-friendly delivery.

Selling through social media

Social media has long played a key role in product promotion. In 2023, expect to see even more integration of purchasing functions directly into apps such as Instagram and Facebook. Facebook live streaming programs from Selmo are essential tools for a successful marketing strategy.

AR (augmented reality)

With AR technology, customers will be able to "try on" clothes, "set up" furniture in their home or "test" cosmetics on their skin without leaving home. Such shopping experiences will become increasingly common.

Security of transactions

As online shopping becomes more popular, consumers will expect higher standards of security. The introduction of new authentication and transaction encryption technologies must be a priority.

Voice Integration and Virtual Assistants

More and more people are using voice assistants (Alexa or Google Assistant) to make purchases. E-stores are adapting to this change by optimizing their platforms for voice shopping.

Subscriptions and membership-based business models

From coffee to cosmetics, more and more products can be ordered through a subscription model. This shopping model is becoming increasingly popular because it gives customers convenience and constant access to their favorite products.


What products reign supreme in online sales?

What's selling online in 2023? In response to this question, we point to the growing demand for organic products, smart home technologies, and wellness and health products. Interest in local and artisanal products is also on the rise.


The role of technology in new sales trends

E-commerce trends for 2023 strongly emphasize the importance of technology. Sales software (an example of which is the Facebook live streaming program offered by Selmo) is becoming essential for online stores. The right tools make it possible to analyze customer data, forecast trends and automate many processes. 


Sales in Poland vs. global trends

Sales trends in Poland often reflect global directions, but with some local nuances.Polish customers value, above all, shopping confidence, clear product information and fast and inexpensive delivery.


How to increase your sales in 2023?

In answer to the question "how to sell more online?" we emphasize the importance of continuous education and adapting to changing realities.Monitor trends, listen to your customers, and don't be afraid to invest in new technologies and tools that will help you better meet market expectations.


Sales trends of 2023 mean many challenges, but also incredible opportunities for those who are ready to follow them. Staying on top of the latest e-commerce trends, adapting to customer needs and investing in the right tools are the keys to success in the rapidly changing world of online sales. If you're up for the challenge, the world of e-commerce opens its doors to you. It only takes one step to participate in an exciting journey! 🚀