How to increase the audience of Facebook broadcasts? Practical tips!


How to increase the audience of Facebook broadcasts? If you're asking yourself this question, you're in the right place. Here are proven ways to achieve marketing success, on the largest social platform in the world!


How to reach more live sales followers?

How to increase broadcast views on Facebook - this is a key question for virtually every business operating on Facebook. The answer to it is essential for increasing reach, and thus revenue. What to pay attention to in order to attract customers?

  1. Use relevant keywords and hashtags (#) that are popular in your industry. This will make your broadcast more visible to the right target audience.
  2. Schedule your broadcast during the hours when your watchers are most active. Use Facebook's analytics tools to find out when your fans are online. 
  3. Remember to inform your community about your upcoming broadcast in advance. You can create a Facebook event or a short post announcing the upcoming live.


How to use tools to increase broadcast viewership?

Take advantage of promotional tools such as Facebook ads. These allow you to reach people outside your current community who are interested in the topic.

  1. Use Facebook's "Premiere" option. It allows you to play a pre-recorded video as a live video, allowing you to interact with viewers in real time.
  2. Integrate external tools. These include, for example, chatbots that can redirect viewers to your broadcast or send reminders about upcoming events.
  3. Determine which broadcasts will bring you the most benefits. If a large part of your online activity is based precisely on social networks, use comprehensive solutions! Such is offered by the Selmo platform, which provides a number of tools to facilitate effective online activities.


How to promote live on Facebook?

How to increase the audience of Facebook broadcasts with the channels already available? It's easy! 

  1. Collaborate with other creators and brands in your industry. Shared likes or sharing of broadcasts by others can significantly increase viewership.
  2. Post live information on other platforms, such as Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn or even TikTok. Such promotion can help you reach new customers who didn't know about your company before.
  3. Encourage your community to participate in the broadcast, ask questions and share it with their friends. The more interaction, the greater the chance that Facebook will promote your broadcast to more people.


How to increase Facebook live viewership through quality content?

Provide valuable content. If viewers find that your broadcasts are just that, they are more likely to come back to watch more. Interaction with viewers is key. Regularly respond to comments, congratulate and thank them for participating. Show that every viewer is important to you.

Offer exclusive content that can't be found anywhere else. This could include a special discount code for live broadcast viewers or a presentation of a new product before the official launch.


As you can see, increasing your Facebook broadcast viewership requires a thoughtful strategy, knowledge of tools and commitment to content creation. Remember that the most significant thing is to provide value to your viewers and build a relationship with them. If you use the tips above and regularly monitor the results of your efforts, success is within reach! Also check out how to make your lajw interesting to increase your profits!