Best Program for Boutique: How Selmo Is Revolutionizing Live Sales on Facebook.



In the dynamic world of e-commerce, finding the right program for a boutique can definitely make it easier to manage live sales on platforms such as Facebook. Selmo, as an advanced program for a boutique, makes it possible to effectively run live broadcasts that are not only attractive, but also efficiently managed and effective in terms of sales. The following discusses how Selmo revolutionizes the live sales approach, maximizing the potential of each session.


Key Features of Selmo as a Boutique Program

Customer Interaction Management

Customer interaction is key during a live broadcast. Selmo's boutique software automates interaction management, allowing you to immediately respond to questions and orders directly during the broadcast. This not only increases customer engagement, but also increases the likelihood of a purchase.

Sales Process Automation

Selmo, as a boutique program, offers full automation of sales processes from the moment a customer places an order to the finalization of the transaction. Features include:

  1. Automatic receipt of orders from comments.
  2. Real-time inventory synchronization.
  3. Integration with logistics systems for efficient shipping.

Analysis and Reporting

Understanding the effectiveness of live streaming is essential for any boutique program. Selmo provides advanced analytical tools that allow for detailed analysis of sales performance, viewer engagement, and promotion effectiveness.

Benefits of Using Selmo as a Boutique Program

Increase Sales

Selmo integration allows boutiques not only to increase engagement during live broadcasts, but also to significantly increase sales on Facebook through effective interaction management and sales automation.

Building Customer Relationships

Selmo enables you to create deeper customer relationships by personalizing communications and responding quickly to customers in real time. This makes customers feel more valued, which translates into loyalty and more frequent purchases.

Operational Efficiency

By automating sales processes, Selmo's boutique program saves time and resources, which boutiques can use to develop marketing strategies and expand their offerings.

How to Use Selmo in Practice?

Example of a live broadcast schedule for a boutique using Selmo:

TimeActivityFunctions of Selmo used
0-5 minIntroduce and welcome viewersAutomatic notifications and scheduling
5-15 minPresentation of productsLive demo, Managing comments
15-25 minInteractive Q&A with viewersLive chat, reactions to comments
25-30 minAnnouncement of special offersTime promotions, discount codes
30-35 minSummary and announcement of next broadcastsAutomatic summary, scheduling


Choosing Selmo as a boutique software allows any store to not only conduct effective sales broadcasts on Facebook, but also to automate many sales processes, which is crucial for modern e-commerce. With Selmo, boutiques can not only increase their sales, but also improve customer service and operational efficiency. Start using Selmo today to transform the way you sell online.