A revolution in effective haberdashery management - the story of Il Fiocco Merceria Creativa


Many online store owners surely remember the beginnings, when writing down every order in a notebook was something quite natural. However, with the development of new technologies, the world of e-commerce has also been revolutionized. The story of Il Fiocco Merceria Creativa haberdashery tells of how one click can instantly change the approach to online sales.


Il Fiocco Merceria Creativa is a family-run haberdashery founded by two sisters, Lara and Cinzia.   During the pandemic, they decided to carry out their first direct sale, which turned out to be a huge success. They did not expect to receive so many requests to ship everything they had in stock because of such high demand for sewing masks, for example. After the first few directs, they had so many orders that they had to ask customers to stop in making purchases because they did not know how to handle it all. Since then, they have been selling regularly through sales broadcasts and Facebook posts. 


What are the biggest difficulties you face in your daily work? Which activity takes up the most of your time?

"It was very difficult for us to contact each customer individually. With such many orders and such a variety of products, it is a really tedious and time-consuming activity, especially when you count and recount everything several times. Also, it was difficult for us to check older orders that were lost somewhere in our notebook  and we often could not find them again."


Why did you decide to use the Selmo system?

"We wanted to find a tool that would allow us to organize our daily work in a more transparent way and thus automate the entire live sales process."


The same activity that used to take you so much time has become easier to manage thanks to the implementation of Selmo?

"Of course! Now we see the differences mainly in the fact that we no longer have to write down orders in any notebook. It is a great help to have all the information in the system. All we have to do is enter what we are looking for, and the system will automatically find the person or order. Finally, we have full control not only over the orders but also over the products we have in our haberdashery. We have also saved a lot of time this way 😊".


If you want to change sales in your store, this is the perfect opportunity! Our live-selling expert will explain all the features and their possibilities during a seven-day trial. Try Selmo completely for free here and enjoy more free time! 🙂